Our garlic


A Bold Kick in Every Bite

The Red Russian garlic is larger in size which gives it a stronger kick in taste. The cloves are 10 times the volume than other varieties which makes the Red Russian garlic very easy to cook and prepare a full meal with one clove.

Aesthetic Appeal

Beautiful bulb

It also has a pleasant aesthetic which makes garlic more pleasing to represent in your kitchen. This garlic variety is more Canada specific due to the growing conditions and cold weather seasons which increase taste and higher nutritional value.

Eating our garlic offers a range of potential health benefits due to its rich nutritional composition.

Health benefits

Immune system

Wesseling Farm garlic contains compounds like allicin, which has been associated with antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to support the immune system.

Cardiovascular health

Our garlic is also known for its potential to improve cardiovascular health by promoting healthy blood circulation and reducing blood pressure.


Also, our garlic’s antioxidant properties may contribute to combating oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Including garlic in your diet could enhance the flavor of dishes while potentially providing these positive health effects.