Meet the farmers

Generations in Bloom

Established in Canada in 2004, after many generations of farming in the Netherlands, the Wesseling family; Hans, Carolien, immigrated to start a new farm on Canadian soil focusing mainly on spring wheat, commercial canola, Pinto beans, and  yellow peas.

After 16 years, Wesseling Farms started growing a new crop; Garlic.

Our garlic

The Day Mitchell's Garlic Stole the Kitchen Spotlight

In 2020, Mitchell the son of Carolien and Hans, had the passion of growing vegetables in the family’s vegetable garden. One day, Carolien was cooking in the kitchen using her usual garlic, when her son Mitchell came running into the house with his own grown garlic.

Out of curiosity, Carolien tried the garlic in her meal she prepared for her family; that day, her entire family complemented her meal.

See recipe

Mitchell's Garlic, From Garden Discovery to Farm's Pride

From that day on, Mitchell multiplied this unique variety which became a new crop at Wesseling Farms. Each year the crop quadrupled until the point the farm decided to put this product on the market. 

Our garlic